Intuitive, healer, counselor and teacher, Kat Logan
brings messages from Spirit and uses her intuitive and creative gifts to
assist in helping you set a course in your life direction, affirm your dreams, reduce stress and find renewal in your energy. In her 30+ years of experience, she has assisted hundreds in improving their lives all over the Globe, working in person, over the phone and by email. She has worked in finding missing people, working with authorities to locate them in life threatening conditions and directing to exact map locations. A natural intuitive medium from birth, she connects with your loved ones who have passed into spirit, or channels the guides and angels that she works with her messages of healing and support. At times, she will use dowsing rods, tarot cards, sounding bowls, aromatherapy and other spiritual supports to conduct the reading.
What to expect…
Intuitive Session:
Kat will help you relax by sharing a short, guided meditation as an
invitation to connect with the vibrational energy of “Divine Love”. She
will the ask you to state your full name (this is an invitation to begin the work) and then will proceed to offer you your message. She works with the channeled, vibrational messages from Spirit, most frequently of the Angelic realm but sometimes will bring messages from loved ones who are close to you at the time. She will bring her best interpretation of the message, which is often in the form of metaphor. As a spiritual artist, she will include an art piece that will be symbolic of the reading that you can take with you and will encourage you to find your own interpretation of the message that is painted. Often, within a time period, clients remark that the paintings are revealed in accuracy and with additional profound messages. The readings last from a half hour to an hour and a half. You are welcome to ask questions after she completes her delivery, but most frequently everything gets answered without you even asking.
Energetic Healing Session:
Kat works with connecting with “Divine Love” raising her vibrational energy,
channeling that and assisting you to raise your own energetic field by laying her hands under your shoulders while you relax on a massage table. All you need to do is relax, breath and enjoy listening to soft music. She works intuitively to assist in realigning your physical, spiritual and emotional body, reducing stress, assisting in rebalancing your chakra energy centers and teaching you how to maintain your general well being. She does not diagnose illness but will share if she detects maladies or disruptions in your physical, spiritual and emotional body. She also will cleanse your auric field and teach you how to periodically do that for yourself, especially helpful in separating from old, unwanted sinews of energy that may be disrupting you. The session will leave you feeling relaxed, restored and rejuvenated. Good for pregnancy, after illness, stress reduction of life transitions and general well being.
1 hour $100
Kat Logan 207-226-7446 Email: